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Monte Sant’Angelo

Monte Sant’Angelo represents a holy mountain. This mount is one of the most ancient Christianity places of workship, rich in Romanesque art. The town of Monte Sant’Angelo, the highest village in Gargano, which now has got about 14000 inhabitants, was born around 1000 and it was an important capital of a vast Norman estate. It is situated on a chalky stone, rich in caves, including the famous one dedicated to Archangel Michael cult is located between the sea and ancient woods. The castle of Monte Sant’Angelo is in the north-wes zone, in the highest part of the village, a few kilometers from Archangel St. Michael Basilica. According to historical statements, the first traces of the existence of a castle in Monte Sant’Angelo date back to the first half of IX century, when, during the Reign of Sicard, Prince of Benevento, arose in the country a Byzantin Castrum. Certainly the first building phase of the present castle dates back to Norman period, when Robert Guiscard, the first prince of “Honor Montis Sancti Angeli” lordship, having palisaded the city, he built the Torre dei Giganti, a powerful pentagonal construction. Honor Montis Sancti Angeli lordship went first to Roger I, son of Guiscard, and then to Arrigo, Count of Gargano.



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